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Employment Opportunities

Resident Assistant

Resident Assistants (RAs) are one of the most vital components of the Housing & Residence Life (HRL) system at the University of Montevallo. Our RAs are among the most qualified student leaders on campus, representing the best the university has to offer. They exemplify the most sought-after traits of excellence and professionalism.

As an RA, you will gain valuable experience that will prepare you for future professional and career opportunities. Your RA background will be an impressive credential in the eyes of any prospective employer. As an RA you will be intricately involved in your residence community.

The rewards for being an RA are immeasurable. It will enhance your future success, and it will be an experience you will never outgrow.

RA Selection

The selection process ensures that only the most qualified candidates become RAs. The process is designed to not only allow us to interview you as a candidate, but to also help you in making an informed decision about the RA job and if it is right for you.  Applications and references are carefully considered.  Applications are available during the spring semester, and the specific date of application availability will be announced in January.  Once all applications have been submitted, they will be evaluated and then you will be contacted to participate in the group interview process.

After the Sunday group interview, the candidate pool will be narrowed and the remaining will be invited to interview with the Residence Hall Directors.

A final interview will be conducted with the Director and Residence Life Coordinators of Housing and Residence Life to make final decisions.

Once interviews are completed, each applicant will receive a letter offering a position for the following semester, inviting them to become an RA, or a letter informing them they will remain in the candidate pool.  All RA candidates are required to attend an RA training program which will begin approximately one or two weeks before the residence halls open for the Fall term.

RA Benefits

The rewards of being an RA are numerous and varied. Much of the value gained from being an RA cannot be expressed in dollars. As an RA, you will gain experience as a student leader, event planner and facilitator of social and educational development, rule enforcer, operations supervisor, facilities manager, university liaison, and paraprofessional counselor and peer helper.

In addition to the intangible benefits, RAs receive a full private room scholarship including a microfridge, $200 per month, free housing and meals during training, and student leadership training.

RA Qualifications

Not just anybody can qualify to be an RA. Strict criteria are used in selecting the right person for the job. RAs must display a great sense of commitment, maturity, initiative, academic excellence, and effectiveness in work-related skills. All RAs must be enrolled at the university as full time students and maintain a 2.5 GPA. They must exhibit exceptional interpersonal and organizational skills and be a strong role model for all resident students.

Residence Hall Director

Residence Hall Directors (RHDs) at the University of Montevallo are graduate students or seniors who provide a critical link between the HRL Central Staff and the residence halls. RHDs are the managers of the residence halls. They supervise the RAs in the halls and are expected to provide leadership in the residence hall. Some of the duties include assisting residents and RAs, crisis management, event planning for the residents, reporting maintenance issues, administrative duties, and participation in the RA and RHD selection and training processes.

RHD applications will also be available starting in January of the Spring term.

The tangible benefits include a scholarship for a partially-furnished apartment (including utilities), a meal plan, tuition waiver for six credit hours in the graduate program, and $500 per month for four months per term.

Student Office Assistant

The Housing and Residence Life office hires student workers each semester.  Student office workers have many responsibilities including answering phone calls, answering questions from visitors to the Housing office, facilitating checking out lock out keys, running errands on campus and other duties assigned by the central office staff.